I guess you have been wondering why you haven't heard from me for the past 18 months.
Just when I completed my jewellery website and was excited and raring to go with new things for both businesses, the universe decided to throw a 'life experience' in my family's direction. Actually, right at my eldest daughter, Christina.
Christina had been diagnosed with advanced breast cancer, which at that stage was inoperable. As you can imagine, this news had been quite upsetting. I was starting to feel the fear, the anger, the anxiety. . . and the tears that I could not hold back.
I looked up and said "Really God? like really? She has to deal with epilepsy and now this! Like what the hell?!" and then I thought "OK calm down, there must be a reason for this. What is the lesson?"
I started to think about all that I have learned so far, The Law Of Attraction, the affirmations by Louise Hay (who herself had beaten Cancer), everything I have learned so far from all my mentors that could help in this situation.
So again the question remained. What is the lesson? And more importantly, who is the lesson for?
When a challenge, a 'life experience' comes along and knocks you off your feet, the automatic response is asking why. WHY is this happening to me? WHY is this happening to my family and friends? We feel angry, we feel lost and we feel the despair.
Sometimes these events and challenges can happen when we don't listen or pay attention to the messages from God, the Angels and the Universe. It gets to a point where it's like... "Ok, we tried to guide you to a certain direction but seeing you are not paying attention, we are going to push you into it." So there it is, the big shock, that big event that happens out of the blue that throws you into a spin.
So again, who was the lesson for? Well, firstly for my daughter Christina. She had not been eating healthy food and was not really taking care of herself.
According to Louise Hay's book "You Can Heal Your Life," breast(s) represents mothering, nurturing and nourishment. This was confirmation that what she needed to do was improve her diet, exercise (walking) and to basically take care of herself better than she had been.
Fast forward 18 months. Christina has cut out processed food, stopped eating McDonald's, goes for walks with me and as a result has gone from 92kgs down to 64kgs. The cancer is shrinking and the oncologist is happy with Christina's progress.
Secondly, the lesson for me was to learn how much strength I had; to stay positive and not feed into the fear; to listen to my intuition and follow the guidance of my angels on choosing the right health practitioners and holistic approaches to promote her healing.
To cope with the overwhelm, I asked God and the angels to take care of Christina and I placed her in their hands to completely heal her so she is happy, healthy and whole. This, in turn, was a lesson in trust. Trusting, believing and having faith that my request has been heard and is answered.
I had to step away from the desperation of it all too. I knew that desperation can create a block and so this was a lesson for me to step back and release and let go of the situation and let God and the angels do their work.
The past 18 months have been a rollercoaster ride but now I can see the positive results. Christina is thriving which has given us hope.
I can now share the experience and the knowledge that I have gained with you, to guide and support you through your life experiences and encourage you to take action; trust in your intuition; let go of the desperation and have faith and believe that God and the Angels will hear and answer your prayers.
I would like to thank everyone who has been supporting and sending Christina healing. It is much appreciated and I am very grateful. It's now the time to start moving forward again and I am excited to share new things and the guidance of the angels in the year ahead.
>>> Do you need guidance on a situation or concern? Are you feeling stuck or wondering what is the next step you need to take? Then perhaps an angel card reading will help you communicate with the angels to get clarity on what to do next. BOOK NOW