Hi there, my name is Andrianna.
As a child, I was sensitive to the energies of people I encountered, and as a result, would shy away from them. As I got older, I sensed whether to keep away from certain people or my gut would warn me when something was going to happen. I would sometimes ignore this and say to myself that I was just being paranoid.
Have you ever felt like this?
In 1995 I had a car accident, and this is where it all changed for me. I had just dropped my children off to my parents and was heading to a restaurant ahead of my ex-husband as he was picking up a couple that were attending the dinner he organised. I accidentally turned into the road before the one I was meant to turn into. It was dark due to the cloud cover because it had been raining so was a bit nerve-wracking trying to work out how to turn around and get back on track through unfamiliar streets.
I made it back to the intersection and proceeded to turn right. A car came flying through the intersection and I didn’t see it. All I remember was turning right and then Bang!! It felt like a truck had hit my car. My car tipped on its side from the force but then dropped back down.
I got out of my car to check the people in the other car. I went into shock and started shaking. I didn’t realise at the time that I was injured with damaged ligaments around my ribs from the car slamming back down and my ribs hitting the side of the seat. It was when I was taken to the hospital the pain really started to hit.
The pain in my ribs was a constant reminder of the chain of events that changed it all for me. It took 18 months for the ligaments to heal. I didn’t have the support that I needed during my recovery and felt alone… very alone.
You could say it was the start of me experiencing the dark night of the soul. I would put on a fake smile and pretend everything was OK. But what I really felt was that I was standing on shaky ground and didn’t know how to get back to solid ground. It was one of the worst times of my life. It felt like I was on a downhill spiral and couldn’t come back up until I had hit rock bottom. I would cry when no one was around. Only a couple of my friends that I confided in knew how I really felt.
You won’t believe what happened next! I was asked by a few clairvoyants if I had something significant happen to me like a car accident and I said yes. They said that that happened because I was on the wrong path, and I needed to be jolted onto the right one.
I was surprised to learn that life-changing events can happen to push you onto the right path. I could see what they meant because it had felt like the point of impact with the car tipping on its side, is what pushed me off on a tangent and I was heading down a different path. In a way I was relieved to find out there was a reason for why I went through all that… little did I know that the best was yet to come.
Isn’t it amazing how sometimes the most challenging event in our lives redirects us to the right path?
My gut feelings became stronger, and I began “hearing” messages that were guidance. At this point, I was still thinking that I may be paranoid and imagining things or it was wishful thinking.
I knew I needed to learn more about what was happening to me and to trust the messages I was receiving.
I was recommended to read a book about the Angels, by someone I spoke to. This started my love of connecting to the Angels and led me on my spiritual journey through books and courses.
The more I became open to trusting and following the spiritual guidance I was receiving; the more opportunities came my way. In time, I learned how to help other people open up and trust their intuition, so they could embark on their spiritual journey and follow the guidance they were receiving.
Is it your turn?
Click this link so we can get on a discovery call and talk about how we can work together.
Andrianna has trained with some of the leading angel and tarot experts in the world as well as certifications in other modalities. She brings in all her knowledge and experience together when providing her services to bring you clarity, empowerment, and healing.
Angel Intuitive
Andrianna trained with some of the leading experts in the world in connecting and communicating with the Guardian Angels, Angels and Archangels.
Certified Angel Card Reader
Andrianna has studied with Radleigh Valentine, world renowned tarot expert, angel commuicator and best-selling Hay House author.
Certified Angel Tarot Reader
Andrianna has studied with Radleigh Valentine, world renowned tarot expert, angel communicator and best-selling Hay House author.
Certified Angel Guide
Andrianna has studied with Kyle Gray, international angel expert and best-selling Hay House author.
Angel Card Mastery
Andrianna has studied extensively with Kyle Gray, international angel expert and best-selling Hay House author.
Angel Oracle Certified
Andrianna has studied with Radleigh Valentine, world renowned tarot expert, angel communicator and best-selling Hay House author.